SurvAIval Insights #03_25

New ChatGPT 'agentic' feature, Gemini screen-sharing, and curiosity

Good Saturday, my ro-bro fellas!

Fast weekly summary

  • 'Tasks' pushes ChatGPT toward true assistant status

  • Gemini screen-sharing capabilities are amazing (video)

  • Why Curiosity is Our Hidden Superpower in the AI era (survAIval insight)

My News and Video Picks of the week

Tech Companies, Product Launches & Innovations, and LLM stuff

AI Art Technology and Tools

  • Here’s how Gemini Live might chat with you about YouTube videos

Market trends and Industry Impact

My mini survAIval insight of the week: Why Curiosity is Our Hidden Superpower in the AI/Information era

Remember watching a child discover something new? Their eyes light up, time stops, and they're completely absorbed in the moment. Nowadays we cannot maintain our attention to even finish a movie, not to say a book. 

An important thing to understand is that without curiosity we are unable to sustain our attention.

Today, we're drowning in information, yet often failing to truly engage with it or understand it. We're losing our habit of being curious.

Like a muscle that weakens without use, our natural curiosity is at risk. Curiosity is a profound evolutionary significance, it is hard-wired in our brains. Our ancestors thrived because they had to explore unknown territories and learn what could help or harm them. 

Without it, we play it safe, avoid challenges, and eventually stagnate. 

Do we want stagnation in the new AI era?

But I am not a curious person! Curiosity is a choice we can make every day. Some people have given up on seeing themselves as curious beings.

By choosing to stay curious, we choose to keep growing. In a world of constant change, that might be our greatest superpower.

So, are you ready to reclaim your curiosity? Start small: pick one thing today that you usually ignore, and really look at it. What's new? What's interesting?

Remember: the quality of our curiosity is important. When we focus on how different everything is in the present moment, we can live a richer life.

Whether you're exploring AI tools, watching a favourite movie for the tenth time, or learning a new skill, choosing to notice what's different and interesting can transform ordinary moments into enriching experiences.

That’s a good start!

I hope these insights, news, and tools help you prepare for the future!

Have a really nice weekend and week.

Stay kind.

Rafa TV

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