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- AI in plain English, for normal people. PART 1 of 7
AI in plain English, for normal people. PART 1 of 7
AI, Alchemy and the Algorithm
So, WTF is ChatGPT?
For the past few months, I have been reading and consuming A LOT of AI-related content, and I have found myself not understanding half of the terms floating around and feeling like I am reading a mystery novel.
I'm here to guide you through understanding the latest and most famous chatbot on Earth, AI, and the terms of this new era in a way that feels familiar, in plain English, and for normal people.
I've crafted the content to be as comprehensible as possible, based on what helped me grasp it. It's broken down into bite-sized segments, so the ingestion and understanding of the content are not threatening or harmful for the normal reader.
Why am I doing this? Because comprehending these emerging concepts quickly will prevent us from feeling outpaced by societal advancements. My goal is to explain how LLMs or chatbots function, making them more approachable for my parents (and perhaps to you) in the years ahead. I don't want them to feel the pain and loneliness that come with feeling left behind in society. Hopefully, this will also ignite your curiosity.
What can you expect throughout these weeks?
The magic of AI and the first contact with normal people through the main media.
Search algorithms.
Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks.
Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI.
The origins of the current hype.
Looking ahead to the future.
How these models work. First stage and second stage.
ChatGPT and how to take the best from it.
Create your own GPT.
Is it vital for survival to know this? No.
You may not necessarily know about the technicalities of how cars work, like the specifics of organic chemistry, but we have a basic idea. We know to add gasoline; the engine then converts this fuel to power a mechanical system that turns the wheels, etc.
I want to shed some light on this turmoil of new terms that will become commonplace in the coming years. Like it or not, this new technology is going to be part of our lives, so it doesn't hurt to have a general idea about it.
Full disclosure: I'm neither a scientist, a pro in tech, nor a coder.
I've spent most of my life in entertainment and the arts. Now, my interest in the future and new technologies has led me to study them on my own. This is how I'm gradually making sense of all these exciting developments.
So after this introduction, let’s start with the first two segments and explore how this "wizard of words" functions. It seems magical, but is it really?
AI and the alchemists
We are experiencing an unprecedented new step in science. This is the first time we don't have a 100% understanding of how the technology we have created works.
We exactly understand in full detail the architecture of these models, and we can empirically study the results, but what happens inside is still difficult to interpret by scientists. They even call it alchemy.
For centuries, one of the many goals alchemists had was to turn dead matter into living things. They symbolized this goal with something called the Philosopher's Stone.
They believed that the elixir of life came from this stone; basically, something dead creates life. Chemistry and science actually started with this old tradition that mixed ideas from philosophy, science, and mysticism.
Today, we use computers made from chips crafted from minerals and sand (rocks and stones). These computers can perform tasks that seem like they're thinking on their own, thanks to AI. Perhaps not currently, but in a few years, they might. Thus, the alchemists' dream of creating life or a freely thinking entity could become a reality. This is super exciting and scary.
To grasp the bigger picture, let's clarify another term that also has a mysterious aura: the algorithm.
What are the algorithms?
Ever heard of it? It's like a form of black magic that knows our tastes and shows us what we like on social media.
Algorithms are precise, accurate, and efficient step-by-step instructions for problem-solving. The simpler and clearer the steps, the better. The principle is to first address inefficiencies, then establish connections.
We often think of problem-solving in terms of digital technology and programming, but in reality, we subconsciously solve problems all day long, from dawn till dusk. What the hell are we going to have for dinner tonight? That’s a big problem to be solved.
There are many algorithms as strategies to solve problems, and we can group them by usage, such as learning, searching, etc.
The ones we hear the most about are search algorithms. For example, YouTube is trying to solve the problem of how it can make you engaged in the content through a search algorithm, aiming to increase your platform time and expose you to more ads. The better the algorithm is (the steps and instructions to solve the problem), the better your engagement will be, and the more money the company makes on the platform.
So far, this doesn't seem like magic. Throughout history, humans have driven technological progress for many reasons. In recent decades, programming and AI have been leading us towards a highly efficient society, with algorithms helping to achieve this. And as we see with major media companies, financial gain is often a key motivator behind these advancements.
You know what they say: where there's money, there's progress.
Next week, we'll explore how social media has been a successful testing ground for developing this technology and how it is a basic, early form of AI.
Thank you for your time.
My News Picks
Grok (Elon Musk’s new chatbot) is out on X if you pay for a premium subscription. Designed for humor and wit, it roasted its own creator
Sports Illustrated fires CEO after AI drama
Gavin Uberti podcast on Real-Time AI and the future of AI hardware
Rain-Ban smart glasses can identify objects and translate languages
Ray Kurzweil, a former Google engineer and author of “The Singularity is Near”, predicts that by 2030 humans could achieve immortality through the use of nanobots
Pika 1.0, the amazing AI video generator, is officially available for everyone.
Kards generates instant flashcards with AI.
Modify is a next-gen motion design tool
Delphi is an AI app that allows you to clone yourself; this is getting strange and scary.
SciSpace allows you to do hours worth of reading and understanding in minutes.
Wiseone helps you master any topic you are reading online.
Compose.ai is a Chrome extension that cuts your writing time by 40%.
How an AI researcher uses GhatGPT to augment his mind
And that’s all. I hope these insights, news, and tools help you prepare for the future!
Have a really nice week.
Stay kind.
Rafa TV